Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Life goes on, but will never be the same!

Well I am heart broke to say that Mom died a month ago today! It has taken me a while to decide if I wanted to blog about this but I think that it will be a changing moment in my life.

My Mom was so influencial in my life, I know that daily life won't ever be the same. I think about her daily and often when making decisions I think, "What would Mom do?". I am so happy to have spent alot of time with her over these past few years and I hope to keep living in a way to make her proud.

So now that Mom no longer needs my help, I took a job as bus driver for the Latham School district. I am very excited but a little nervous about passing the driving test.

The family also hit another milestone, as B is now in daycare. He is actually loving it and it has given me the freedom to explore quilting for a profit. I am planning to work a little between bus routes, but would hope that my quilting could also bring in some income.

So that is life around the homestead. Have a great day!


Monday, August 16, 2010

An Update on the Latest!

It has been too long since I posted on my blog and I apologize to everyone following. Things in July were very hectic.

We had summer gardens to continue to contend with and started getting a load of cucumbers and Zucchini. The rabbits must have needed my green beans worse than I did, because they again ate off all the new plants I had going. Note to self.... don't plant any more beans until the garden is fenced off.

I was lucky enough to come across about 4 bushels of green beans and I got them snapped and canned and ended up giving away some to friends. I had wanted to be able to "put by" some more but due to other circumstances, I didn't get that done.

The other circumstances include my Mom's health which is fair at best. She was hospitalized July 17th and stayed until July 30th. She seemed to be doing good at home and recovering until her chemotherapy caused vomiting and other issues. She was again hospitalized on August 11th and is still there now. We are hoping that she may be able to come home later this week. Your thoughts and prayers and calls are appreciated.

We were also blessed to be able to attend the Brenton family reunion. I got to see cousins and their children and my mother's sister and her husband and really got to understand just how much we love each other even though we don't get to visit often. Our visit to the reunion was cut short as my brother's little one was not tolerating the heat well. All in all, we had a great time and thank J and S for hosting the reunion at their house.

Well in the hectic month we had, we had a little boy that turned 4 years old. B is one of the most loving, caring little men I know. He has a large heart and often is showing love to family and friends. He is inquisitive. He wants to know why grasshoppers hop and why the sun goes out when it rains. He is a great helper to Daddy and I and we wouldn't trade him for the world. Happy Birthday, B! We love you so much!

Now on to current happenings. I am up to my armpits in tomatoes. I have canned sauce, made 6 quarts salsa and am in the process of making spaghetti sauce as we speak. I also bought a bushel of peaches and canned 21 quarts of peaches and got 6 pints of peach honey. We promptly had the peach honey on homemade biscuits and P commented that I needed to make alot more of the honey. She was worried that it wouldn't last. I still need to plant the fall garden and get a few more things going.

Well in closing, I am hoping for a strong finish to the fall garden, for Mom's quick recovery, for P having a good year at school and for good luck in finding a job.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Dog Days.........

Well Summer is officially here. We have been having really hot days with heat indexes well over 100. Some days just walking to the mailbox requires a shower upon return.

We have been trying to finish up P's Softball schedule, Vacation Bible School, finishing up quilts, Fairfax party, 4th of July Ice Cram Social at our house, and Softball Wrap up pool party! I'll try and give a brief description on each but pictures are worth a thousand words........

P decided she wanted to play summer softball much to my delight since, I loved playing softball. She stuck with it all season and was really excited for each game, which really made me happy also. This was her last ballgame and really she has improved so much throughout the season. Her Daddy and I were so proud of her.

With all these crazy events going on, I was able to finish the 2 quilts I had orders for. These are the final pictures of the elephant quilt and the John Deere quilt. I was so happy that the customer was overjoyed with how they turned out. They promised to spread the word around about my quilting business and I hope that I get some word of mouth business from this order.

I was able to start a few butternut and spaghetti squash inside for the fall garden. Hopefully my fall garden does better than the summer one. I am having real problems with a spotted cucumber beetle, which has killed 2 zucchini plants and 3 of my cucumber plants.

Last week was also vacation Bible School at our church. The kids were excited to go everyday and learn new things about God. I was unable to help as usual, because of needing to help Mom, but the teachers and workers did a wonderful job during the week. Bible School concluded with a program on Friday night and an old fashioned ice cream social. We had a great time socializing with friends and even got to take or niece and nephew with us for the program.

Every year our friends J and L invite us to the Fairfax 4th of July party. It is held on the Saturday closest to the 4th, so this year it was on the 3rd. It is amazing the house they live in and in the backyard they have a large lake with fishing, paddle boats and a sand swimming beach. The Fairfaxs provide all the food and have huge heated buffet tables for serving. They also provide all the drinks and anything else you could want. I took a chocolate cake since Mama taught me right and told me never to show up empty handed. We ate and then K and the kids went fishing while I visited with the many people that I know there. B caught his first fish, although since I was on the other side of the lake I missed the photo opportunity. I did manage to catch a few pictures of the kids fishing, swimming in the lake and a stunning photo of K, with his endearing smile. The night ended with fireworks over the lake. It was a show to rival most local town's displays.

The 4th of July brought our normal ice cream, cake and fireworks. We have for the past 8 years, invited friends and family over for homemade ice cream, cake and swimming and then we all load up and go to California to watch the fireworks. This is a picture of P and B swimming and getting the applause of S while they show off their tricks. We had a nice turnout and a wonderful day.

The crazy weekend holiday ended with a wrap up swim party for P's softball team. I would like to think that my children are not sheltered, but I have come to realize that there are many things we don't get to experience on a regular basis living in a rural area. I am happy about most things that we are able to avoid (bad behavior by adults, explicit dress or images) but we also miss a few really fun things. This was P and B's first trip to a public pool. They thoroughly enjoyed the pool and playing with their friends. The coach (my cousin) K made hamburgers and hotdogs and the fixin's and we all had a great time together.

So that has been our last week in photos. It has been really busy and really fun and exciting. I love the simple life we live and love to be able to spend time with friends and family. For this I am very grateful to the men and women that fight to keep our country free and give us the choice each morning as to where we want our lives to go.

So THANK YOU Service Men and Women and Happy 4th of July!


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer is in Full Swing

Well life has happened again, but the days go on. I have been weeding and weeding and weeding and eating and weeding some more. The garden is looking better this year than it ever has in the past years. My onions, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers are looking good.

I just planted 4 rows of bush green beans. My originals seeds rotted in the ground due to all the rain we have been getting. I am hoping to have enough to can for us for the year. I also didn't get my corn in and so will be buying that from a local farm and canning enough again for the year. I am hoping to have a fall garden that will produce peas and give us some fall lettuces and potatoes.

Checklist of things to accomplish: (yes this is boring, but the only way I can keep track)

*plant another three rows of beans

*Find seed potatoes for the fall

*plan the fall garden and get seed

*put up trellis for remaing 5 cucumber plants

*7 dust the plants

* work on finding mulch and taller stakes for the tomatoes

* finish the elephant quilt for a customer

*finish the John Deere quilt for a customer

and the list goes on.... The dog days of summer are here as we are having heat indexes around 110. Needless to say it is steamy, which causes lots of thunderstorms and then the steam and then the storms and on and on.

I have been spending these hot afternoons reading about homesteads and providing the food your family needs. I would love to be able to raise most of the food we need and only have to support the store for a few odds and ends. I should be able to do this and am just still a little leery of being able to pull off some of the bigger projects. I am thinking about ordering in some dual purpose birds in order to be able to have some fresh chicken in the freezer for the winter. I did this a couple of years ago and we loved having all the fresh chicken available. I would also like to get a feeder pig and raise it for the pork, along with a jersey cow for milk. The memory of fresh butter would spur me on to milking every morning and evening.

As with everything daydreaming never hurt anyone and gives the idle mind a place to rest.

Now back to reality and the weeding!


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dreay Old Day

Well you gotta love Missouri weather. A week ago when we should have spring weather, we were getting into the mid 90's. Hot dry and so humid you could cut it with a knife. Well, in Missouri, the only way to get rid of the humidity is rain. Which is the story of the weekend and the beginning of this week. We have had rain everyday since Friday. And not a rain that downpours (although we have had some of those) but a rain that teases. A drip here a drop there and then maybe a small peek of sunshine. So yeah, I see sunshine. Get all the garden things out and about 5 minutes into it a small shower. I keep weeding, thinking that it will pass, but then heavier, so inside I go. Get things put up and inside and look out and it has quit raining. I just cannot win for losing sometimes. Here are a few pics of the weather lately.

I was able to weed the zucchini and I saw 4 blooms and the teeniest zucchini peeking out. I cannot wait until we have some fried (my favorite). I got about half a row of tomatoes weeded and tied up again. The tomato plants are looking really good this year and I hope we have a bumper crop. I like to can tomato sauce and juice and DH loves homemade salsa. My beans though have not weathered the rainy spring. I planted 2 rows of bush beans and a row of Lima beans. Only about 10 plants in each row sprouted. I went to look for more bean seed and the only thing left is pole beans, so looks like I will be trying that this year. Mom always said bad words about pole beans, but I have seen many rave reviews. So I guess this is mother nature's way of getting me to try them. Many people say they like them better, that they produce more and that they are much easier to pick. Anything up off the ground is a blessing to my already failing back.

The cucumbers are going like gang busters and I am going to try and get them started on a trellis this year. A close friend grow his that way and says you can pick them like bananas. Lettuce, carrots and radishes were a flop this year but hopefully the onions will do good. And I still have beets, turnips and fall peas to try and get in.

Summertime memories are some of the best ones I have. Here are a few pictures of some memories my kids are making.

Well when it rains what do you do but either clean house or sew. I think I will choose to sew. I am still working to complete the elephant baby quilt. I have decided on 9 blocks making it 3 x 3 with two outer borders. There will be 4 elephant blocks and 5 patchwork blocks incorporating the fabrics used on the elephants. I almost have the 5 patchwork blocks completed and am looking forward to getting the top put together and quilted. Hopefully I can get that accomplished today. Here are a few pictures of the patchwork.

DD #2 is supposed to have a softball game tonight, but I am almost sure that it will be rained out. She also has a tournament this weekend and from the forecast if will be in true summer softball fashion. Meaning that it will be mid 90's and humidity nearing 80%, without a leaf wiggling in site. Gotta love the thrills of summer sports.

Well since it is to discouraging to work outside, I had better get back to sewing!


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Life Happens.....

Well I apologize for not being on here for a while. As I said in the title, life happens. Without going into too much detail, we have been trying to learn about and handle a family health issue. Also, without being to sappy, we would appreciate all your prayers, as I truthly feel that prayer heals all things.

Now on to more happy news..... I attended a meeting of a guild in a neighboring town and learned that their bi-annual quilt show was on June 5th and 6th. And you can bet your boots, I went. I could have spent days in the show looking and dreaming. There were over 350 quilts on display. From the simplest quilts to extravagant ones that took months, maybe years, to complete. There were quilts that were completely done by hand and some that used the latest in machines and long arm setups. There were even some very, very old quilts predating this century.

Also one of my favorite places to spend time at a quilt show was the vendor area. I received an idea from one vendor that inspired me to start and almost complete the John Deere tractor baby quilt that I had been commissioned to make for a friend.

So since I was so excited about making the quilt, I didn't stop to take many pictures, but I wanted to show you some of the process. At a later date I plan to do a tutorial on the making of this quilt. It is really a quick and easy way to get a quilt finished quickly since once the initial sets are done, the quilting and backing are also completed (Quilt as You Go).

Here are the fabrics that I chose for the quilt. Of course, John Deere green and yellow and a focal fabric of tan and yellow plaid featuring the John Deere logo and also different types of John Deere tractors. Although green and yellow Never show their face around our farm, I had so much fun knowing that this little boy would be enjoying the quilt for years to come.

This is a picture of the overall quilt. The technique of using two different fabrics makes it look like the traditional "robbing Peter to pay Paul" quilt pattern. It also gives the back a little motion as each square alternates in color.

And a look at a close up of the blocks.....

And last but not least is a picture of the back of the quilt.

I only have the sewing of the arcs left to complete, so keep your eyes peeled for the completed quilt coming very soon. I have also been working on some of the elephant blocks for the other baby quilt I was commissioned to do. I will be posting pictures of that quilt also as it takes shape.

I would love your feedback on these quilts and would greatly appreciate any ideas for future quilt you would like to see made.


Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Good Ole Days..........

Do you ever long for the good ole days. I find myself longing for them quite often. I dream of sitting and quilting while listening to the radio. Kids playing quietly with toys that don't make their own noise pollution. Hubby sitting and doing some woodworking or repairing leather on a harness. Really doesn't make a difference what we would be doing, I think it is just that we would be doing it together. As a family, we do most things together. I think that way the kids grow up in situations that require good behavior even when they are bored. We have always taken the kids with us to events we attend when possible. I wonder if we had family resources if that would have still happened. I hear so many people saying that they won't go since they would have to take their kids. I think that is so sad, but goes to prove the fact that families tend to go in one thousand different directions.

Well sorry to stray off track, but back to the good ole days. I love hard work and the feeling of accomplishment when the day is ended. That feeling of I cannot do another thing without crashing, makes me appreciate all the things my grandparents had to do just to live. Think about cooking over a wood burning stove when it is 95 outside. Or putting in crops with a mule and hand plow. I am not sure I could have survived, but I think anyone can learn to do the things needed to get by.

I often try and keep some of the old traditions in place so that my kids have a fairly good work ethic in place when they grow older. We use a regular washer but from about March thru October I try and hang all of my laundry outside to dry. The children have "chores" even though they are only 6 and 3. These chores include picking up their rooms, making beds, helping in feeding chickens and the oldest is able to help with dusting and such. Every year I put out a garden and can the extras from that. Last year's garden was a bust, but most years we have veggies to last us all year. I have incorporated the kids in working in the garden with me and helping me with planting. This helps them to become excited about eating what they have grown and in turn helps them learn you reap what you sew.

Well enough of my sentimental rantings and on to the quilt stuff.

I had talked about a baby quilt I was asked to make for a little boy. Even posted that I had found material that I was going to use. Well those plans fell through since that material was only available on line and we do not have/use credit cards.

So on to plan B. With no local elephant material, I got the idea to applique elephants onto white backgrounds and go that route. I got the material on Tuesday and worked on them Thursday.

Here are pictures of the material I picked out and found the cutest white on white background material with bubbles on it.

Here is also a picture of the first semi completed block. He still needs eyes appliqued on.

Well I had better get busy doing something, even if I do it wrong!


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I see the sun!

Was wondering if the sun was going to show it's face around here anymore at all. Seems like weeks since we have seen it. But thanks to God's graces, I see it bright and shining today.

Every year I plant a garden and can the extra vegetables for use later in the winter. I usually plant a pretty good size one, because Mom and Dad also love the fresh veggies. I went out yesterday to look and see if I need to provide the tomato plants with snorkels and promptly sunk in my yard up to one ankle. We have had so much rain and I knew not to venture in the garden but even the yard is at it's max now. The tomato plants look like they have weathered the heavy rains, but the beans and peas have not sprouted and I am concerned that they are rotting in the ground. Only time will tell.

Well with all the rain, I worked yesterday on getting laundry caught up and searching for fabric for my commissioned baby quilts. I never thought that finding the perfect fabric would be so hard. The first quilt was requested to have elephants. I definately wanted something cute, but for a boy, also.

This is what I came up with and will use the bright red and bright blue as coordinating fabrics.

I also had time to work on a personal quilt that has been in progress for over a month now. I saw this pattern made up in a quilt and decided to try and make my own pattern for it. I was shocked to see that I can still draft things using graph paper. After making the center blocks, I started and finished the next "row" of blocks yesterday. I still have 24 more blocks to make as this one is for my bed. I showed DH last night and he was impressed and excited, until I told him that I was considering sending the completed top out to be quilted. He was kind shocked since I do most of my quilting on my home machine. I will have to think about it but shudder at the idea of quilting a king size on my little machine.

Here is a sneak peek at the center.

And after the outside 8 blocks were added last night.

Today will be less exciting in the quilting world as my real life calls me to do other things, but hope you have many happy stitches today.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Giving a fabric hug!

I know, I know! 2 posts in one day is unheard of, LOL. But I thought that since the first post was just a history, I would be excused by the Blog Police.

Well wanted to show you a few quilts I finished lately. The first is a quilt that I made for my niece for her 2nd birthday. I cut it on Tuesday and finished about 2 hours before her party on Saturday ( you will find this is a trend with me). I found the pattern in the May 2010 issue of The Quilter magazine.
The pattern is called Forever Sunshine by Jane Quinn. I decided that for my girly niece that pinks and chocolate brown was the way to go. I also decided to add a little to the pattern by cutting and appliquing flowers spilling into the bottom border. I loved the way it finished and hope she gets years of enjoyment from it.

I also recently completed a quilt for my Mom for Mother's Day. This was also a quickly made quilt because life was getting in the way. I it from Eleanor Burn's book called "Still Strippin" and the pattern is called four sisters. Even though mom didn't have four sisters, she had four siblings. I wanted to get this to her beacause over the last several years her health has been declining due to emphysemia. It was important for me to finish a quilt so that she would always have fabric hugs from me. I liked how this one finished, but wish that I had used a green that had a small print. the green I used was a beautiful material but looks so bold because all the other fabrics are prints.

Have a sew beautiful day!


Well hello blog world!

This is my venture into the world of blogs. Think it is about 5 years to late, but better late than never! Guess I should give you a little history of me and my family. I am married and have a stepdaughter that will be 24 and two children that are 6 and 3. I am a SAHM with several side jobs and lots of hobbies. The most important of which is quilting.

I was bit by the quilting bug about 2 years ago and havn't looked back since. If I could make it into a full time job I would. I love it that much, but for now I do a few quilts for clients and friends. I hope to be expanding my quilting hobby into a business over the next few years.

We also live on a working farm where my dad raises cattle and we raise chickens, so there will be a dab of farm life mixed in along with my rants and raves of wishing for the good ole days.

So come along for the ride and enjoy!
