Thursday, June 10, 2010

Life Happens.....

Well I apologize for not being on here for a while. As I said in the title, life happens. Without going into too much detail, we have been trying to learn about and handle a family health issue. Also, without being to sappy, we would appreciate all your prayers, as I truthly feel that prayer heals all things.

Now on to more happy news..... I attended a meeting of a guild in a neighboring town and learned that their bi-annual quilt show was on June 5th and 6th. And you can bet your boots, I went. I could have spent days in the show looking and dreaming. There were over 350 quilts on display. From the simplest quilts to extravagant ones that took months, maybe years, to complete. There were quilts that were completely done by hand and some that used the latest in machines and long arm setups. There were even some very, very old quilts predating this century.

Also one of my favorite places to spend time at a quilt show was the vendor area. I received an idea from one vendor that inspired me to start and almost complete the John Deere tractor baby quilt that I had been commissioned to make for a friend.

So since I was so excited about making the quilt, I didn't stop to take many pictures, but I wanted to show you some of the process. At a later date I plan to do a tutorial on the making of this quilt. It is really a quick and easy way to get a quilt finished quickly since once the initial sets are done, the quilting and backing are also completed (Quilt as You Go).

Here are the fabrics that I chose for the quilt. Of course, John Deere green and yellow and a focal fabric of tan and yellow plaid featuring the John Deere logo and also different types of John Deere tractors. Although green and yellow Never show their face around our farm, I had so much fun knowing that this little boy would be enjoying the quilt for years to come.

This is a picture of the overall quilt. The technique of using two different fabrics makes it look like the traditional "robbing Peter to pay Paul" quilt pattern. It also gives the back a little motion as each square alternates in color.

And a look at a close up of the blocks.....

And last but not least is a picture of the back of the quilt.

I only have the sewing of the arcs left to complete, so keep your eyes peeled for the completed quilt coming very soon. I have also been working on some of the elephant blocks for the other baby quilt I was commissioned to do. I will be posting pictures of that quilt also as it takes shape.

I would love your feedback on these quilts and would greatly appreciate any ideas for future quilt you would like to see made.


1 comment:

Quiet Quilter said...

Lovely! And so Fast!

If you go to my blog and look at my slideshow, you will eventually see the John Deere quilt I made for my of the first ones and I was on a learning curve that got sidetracked. W/O too much detail, I pieced and hand quilted that dude and it took Forever! almost literally...2 years.

I like your idea better!