Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dreay Old Day

Well you gotta love Missouri weather. A week ago when we should have spring weather, we were getting into the mid 90's. Hot dry and so humid you could cut it with a knife. Well, in Missouri, the only way to get rid of the humidity is rain. Which is the story of the weekend and the beginning of this week. We have had rain everyday since Friday. And not a rain that downpours (although we have had some of those) but a rain that teases. A drip here a drop there and then maybe a small peek of sunshine. So yeah, I see sunshine. Get all the garden things out and about 5 minutes into it a small shower. I keep weeding, thinking that it will pass, but then heavier, so inside I go. Get things put up and inside and look out and it has quit raining. I just cannot win for losing sometimes. Here are a few pics of the weather lately.

I was able to weed the zucchini and I saw 4 blooms and the teeniest zucchini peeking out. I cannot wait until we have some fried (my favorite). I got about half a row of tomatoes weeded and tied up again. The tomato plants are looking really good this year and I hope we have a bumper crop. I like to can tomato sauce and juice and DH loves homemade salsa. My beans though have not weathered the rainy spring. I planted 2 rows of bush beans and a row of Lima beans. Only about 10 plants in each row sprouted. I went to look for more bean seed and the only thing left is pole beans, so looks like I will be trying that this year. Mom always said bad words about pole beans, but I have seen many rave reviews. So I guess this is mother nature's way of getting me to try them. Many people say they like them better, that they produce more and that they are much easier to pick. Anything up off the ground is a blessing to my already failing back.

The cucumbers are going like gang busters and I am going to try and get them started on a trellis this year. A close friend grow his that way and says you can pick them like bananas. Lettuce, carrots and radishes were a flop this year but hopefully the onions will do good. And I still have beets, turnips and fall peas to try and get in.

Summertime memories are some of the best ones I have. Here are a few pictures of some memories my kids are making.

Well when it rains what do you do but either clean house or sew. I think I will choose to sew. I am still working to complete the elephant baby quilt. I have decided on 9 blocks making it 3 x 3 with two outer borders. There will be 4 elephant blocks and 5 patchwork blocks incorporating the fabrics used on the elephants. I almost have the 5 patchwork blocks completed and am looking forward to getting the top put together and quilted. Hopefully I can get that accomplished today. Here are a few pictures of the patchwork.

DD #2 is supposed to have a softball game tonight, but I am almost sure that it will be rained out. She also has a tournament this weekend and from the forecast if will be in true summer softball fashion. Meaning that it will be mid 90's and humidity nearing 80%, without a leaf wiggling in site. Gotta love the thrills of summer sports.

Well since it is to discouraging to work outside, I had better get back to sewing!


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