Monday, June 6, 2011

A weekend at the Cave!

Well we had a wonderful beginning of the summer vacation at Jacob's Cave Poultry and Small Animal Swap. We went with another family that we are close friends with and did some primitive camping. And I mean primitive. There are no showers, no running water and only porta potties (or petey potties as the kids called them)for the most necessary business.

I have to say we had a good time, but boy was it HOT! Heat indexes in the low 100's, which is typical of middle of the summer heat for Missouri but not for the 1st weekend in June. We would sweat, get covered in dust and then do washtub baths. It was almost unbearable on Saturday so we took the kids down to the cave for a tour and got cooled off. It was a cool 52 degrees and the kids even wore jackets for the tour.

We got home yesterday afternoon and started the unloading. The garden has completly been taken over with grass and may soon need to be mowed, LOL. Keith worked on mowing the yard and almost got it done and I did get the whole garden tilled in between the rows and the tomatos suckered. I think we got our supper ate about 10 and then right off to bed. I love to fall into a bed after a long days work and feel that sense of accomplishment.

Today, I started in the garden about 6:30a and got two rows of string run for the peas, a t-post driven for the sprinkler and 4 tomatos mulched with newspaper. I am trying this method for weed control and hope it works well.

I have also got 5 loads of laundry washed, hung out and back in. I have got all the broccoli from the garden cleaned, frozen and need to bag it this afternoon and also clean some of the onions that died and get them chopped and frozen. I also have to get the swiss steak in the crockpot for supper along with some green beans simmering. That way when the sun goes down I can work this evening in the garden and supper will already be cooked.

Paiton and Blayne will be going to Oakland Baptist Church for bible school this week, so they will have alot of fun. They are having fun right now playing with a girl I am babysitting this summer break.

Well I had better get back to cooking dinner and laundry. Poof!