Monday, August 16, 2010

An Update on the Latest!

It has been too long since I posted on my blog and I apologize to everyone following. Things in July were very hectic.

We had summer gardens to continue to contend with and started getting a load of cucumbers and Zucchini. The rabbits must have needed my green beans worse than I did, because they again ate off all the new plants I had going. Note to self.... don't plant any more beans until the garden is fenced off.

I was lucky enough to come across about 4 bushels of green beans and I got them snapped and canned and ended up giving away some to friends. I had wanted to be able to "put by" some more but due to other circumstances, I didn't get that done.

The other circumstances include my Mom's health which is fair at best. She was hospitalized July 17th and stayed until July 30th. She seemed to be doing good at home and recovering until her chemotherapy caused vomiting and other issues. She was again hospitalized on August 11th and is still there now. We are hoping that she may be able to come home later this week. Your thoughts and prayers and calls are appreciated.

We were also blessed to be able to attend the Brenton family reunion. I got to see cousins and their children and my mother's sister and her husband and really got to understand just how much we love each other even though we don't get to visit often. Our visit to the reunion was cut short as my brother's little one was not tolerating the heat well. All in all, we had a great time and thank J and S for hosting the reunion at their house.

Well in the hectic month we had, we had a little boy that turned 4 years old. B is one of the most loving, caring little men I know. He has a large heart and often is showing love to family and friends. He is inquisitive. He wants to know why grasshoppers hop and why the sun goes out when it rains. He is a great helper to Daddy and I and we wouldn't trade him for the world. Happy Birthday, B! We love you so much!

Now on to current happenings. I am up to my armpits in tomatoes. I have canned sauce, made 6 quarts salsa and am in the process of making spaghetti sauce as we speak. I also bought a bushel of peaches and canned 21 quarts of peaches and got 6 pints of peach honey. We promptly had the peach honey on homemade biscuits and P commented that I needed to make alot more of the honey. She was worried that it wouldn't last. I still need to plant the fall garden and get a few more things going.

Well in closing, I am hoping for a strong finish to the fall garden, for Mom's quick recovery, for P having a good year at school and for good luck in finding a job.


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