Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Early Spring Days

Well spring is here, even though Mother Nature seems a bit confused. We had several days where the temps tops in the upper 80's and then a cold rain swept in and had 5 days with no sun, drizzle and temps in the middle 50's.

In spite of the crazy weather, I actually put some of my garden in about mid april. I planted potatos, onions, lettuce, and peas. I saved most of the rest for later when the temps warmed. I guess the peas weren't having any of the weather so they refused to sprout (very rainy weather). I really think they rotted in ground.

May 6th I got busy and planted 300 foot of new peas, 300 foot of lima beans and 300 foot of green beans. I also planted 48 tomato plants. Dad came by and helped me by finishing the tilling while I started planting beans. I never intended to plant 48 tomato plants, but Mrs. Sutton and I came across a great deal on plants at the Mennonite produce auction. We got our plants for 25 cents a 4 pack (regular 1.99 a 4 pack) but had to buy 288 plants. I think they put out about 75 and I took 48 and then she gave the rest to friends and neighbors.

I have been good so far about keeping things hilled up and today Blayne and I put in 25 tomato stakes. It was about all my back could handle after helping last night with his t-ball practice. I also got most of the weeds chopped and am hoping to put the rest of the stakes in tomorrow with Keith's help.

Today is a beautiful spring day with temps in lower 70's so I have been pushing to get laundry done. So far 3 loads washed and hung out. We try hard not to use the dryer in the summer to save on electricity.

I am also working on getting the kids clothes together because after the bus route we go full speed all evening. Blayne has his first t-ball game and Paiton has softball practice. They are both playing in Prairie Home so that is a trip in itself but Blayne's game tonight is in Jamestown, so that is added miles.

I am putting on a roast in the corckpot and peeling potatoes so that supper is almost ready when we walk in the door. I can finish it while Keith helps with the kids and their baths.

Not much to report on the quilting scene, I have had my hands full with the kids sporting events and planting and all things spring. Hopefully I will be able to get in a routine when summer break gets here. With that routine in place maybe I will be back at the sewing machine.

So I am outta here to get a few more things done before the bus route and cleaning.
Have a beautiful day!