Monday, March 28, 2011

Stars and Stripes Raffle Quilt Finished

This past Saturday night was the Dinner/Raffle/Auction for the Latham School Fire Benefit and I made a quilt to raffle off. Our school burnt to the ground in December 2010. So we are trying to raise money for the needs of the classrooms, because although the insurance covered the building, the amount for the contents was well short of what it would take to replace the things needed.

It was estimated that we fed 600 people and that the total raised was over $25,000.00. So the past month of speed hand quilting was well worth the effort.

Here is a picture of the raffle quilt. I graphed out the pattern from a picture I saw and then used crochet cotton to do Big Stitch quilting to give it a vintage/primitive look. I tell you what the spool of thread said 5000 yards and when I finished it was showing cardboard through the sides. I was a labor of love and nice to know that one of our friends won the quilt. I hope they like it. Not sure that I would do all that quilting again for one to donate or sell but I did prove to myself that I could do it and be happy with the results.

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