Monday, March 28, 2011

Life catch up!

I also wanted to update you all on everything else going on in our lives.

We are still searching for a house. Well kinda! We found one we love, a little high for our price range. And now I am having second thoughts. Wondering about the economy and finances and whether or not I want to make that payment. We can afford to make it but what happens in the future if there are more strains on our finances? What if this what if that. Hate to be so indecisive. I often wonder if I should just be happy with what I have. I mean it is paid off, but we are soooooooooooooo cramped on space. Did I mention that we are cramped on space and that we want to change school districts and how we really have no space here. Did I mention that before, LOL.

Just trying to make some final pushes to get a few more things paid off and out of our hair before we make the leap.

Some good news is that I got offered both my positions back at school next year. Although I am not sure I will be taking the cleaning position. It is money needed but I am missing so much of my childrens lives. I only get to see my girl for about 30 minutes in the morning and an hour at night. I am also having issues with the school and their requirements for what they want done in the 3 hours they allot. We are praying about this and I hope that the answer comes in some sort of quilting income.

A small answer came today in the fact that a close friend on the board asked me to make a top for her and in exchange she will quilt the king for me that I am currently working on. Not really income as in dollars in hand, but definatly income in the fact that I don't have to pay for someone to quilt for me. Plus it is another chance to try a new pattern and new fabrics. A girl has to love that!

Well I had better get off here and back to sewing/housework/school cleaning/Mama/wife duties.


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